Steve Moderator

Joined: 02 Nov 2003 Posts: 776 Location: Belgium
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:56 am Post subject: Day 1 :: 12/04/2004 |
Dear diary,
I woke up at 12:00 again today. I have to try and wake up sooner! Ah well, I guess that's what you get for staying up 'till 2:00.
When i was fully awake I took a shower and went straight onto the PC, argh I need to find another hobby :-/. First thing I did when I went on the PC was work on my [DOTA] steam skin. I think it looks really good atm, I think I'll ask James to put it up for download once it's finished. Then I asked a good friend of mine (Pete) if he was interested in doing some voice-acting for DOTA. He almost immediatly said yes . I asked him to send me a little demo, it was really good but also really mumbly :-/. Ah well, as long as we have another voice-actor. I think we have 4 now, but I'm not sure. 2 of 'em are aliens so those "roles" are taken. I think I'll apply for voiceacting myself. Then I grabbed some chocolate i got yesterday, I still have so much candy left, I dunno if I'll be able to eat it all. I'll probably eat 'em anyway, but what the heck .
Then I interviewed James to put on the new DOTA site; After that he interviewed me.
A bit later I was browsing some 3D modeling forums and found a really good charactermodeling tutorial. I was making the model with the steps explained on the site, I almost finished the body. BUT THEN 3D STUDIO MAX CRASHED AND I HADN'T SAVED IN A WHILE!! I had to start over almost entirely :~(. Now I got the body almost finished but I'm not really pleased about the chest area so I'm gunna redo that tomorrow.
Then I started up Steam and played some Opposing Force, which I had never played before. I was playing the tutorial level and ended up at the snipe-training, I accidentaly shot the instructor and had to start over. I played like 15 minutes of a mission, then i quit. Not because it's to hard or anything, but because I wanted to play something else I started up Counter-Strike, found a really good server, low ping etc. I tried to join the server but it said my steam account wasn't vallid or something >: I'll try again tomorrow or something.
Then I started listening to my Godsmack - Faceless CD (still am) and started writing this diary entry. That's about it for today.
Learn more about my crazy adventures tomorrow! _________________ Moderator, Developer, Free Running newbie |
James 3run

Joined: 19 May 2003 Posts: 3756
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:41 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Then I started up Steam and played some Opposing Force, which I had never played before. I was playing the tutorial level and ended up at the snipe-training, I accidentaly shot the instructor and had to start over. |
that bit was funny  _________________