Day of the Aliens started off as a small project in early 2003, with only two people working on it. The site was one of the first I'd ever made, and was hosted on Lycos. It was pretty amatueristic, with boring html code, an unattractive colour scheme, and Flash everywhere. A few months in phpBB forums were started up, with a few members registering to talk about the project. This is what version 1 of the site looked like:

Then around a year later, I had learnt a bit more about web design, and the very basics of php, so I managed to create a new site. It was better, but it used bad php coding, and was slightly dull:

Then, by April 2005, I had learnt a lot more about web design. I finally knew about php and mySQL properly, so I thought I could have a go at a real site. So I came up with this site. Just incase you're curious if its functioning correctly on your browser, this is what it really should look like (both skins included):

Perhaps some time I'll make a version 4 of the site. Maybe using <div>s instead of tables, and with some cool new features that people haven't thought of yet. But for now, you'll have to get used to this :P.